Preserve Durham's History with a Donation to Open Durham Today! is dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich history of our community. Run by our parent nonprofit, Preservation Durham, the site requires routine maintenance and upgrades. We do not ask for support often (and you can check the box to "hide this message" in the future), but today, we're asking you to chip in with a donation toward annual maintenance of the site. Your support allows us to maintain this valuable resource, expand our archives, and keep the history of Durham accessible to everyone.
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Submitted by John Martin (not verified) on Thu, 7/29/2010 - 1:50pm
I went to an estate sale at this house just before the Browns bought it in 1980. The previous owner appears to have been William T. Higbee. I remember this because I bought a book that was inscribed to Mr. Higbee, and it was his estate that was being settled.
Submitted by Batman (not verified) on Thu, 7/29/2010 - 7:49pm
I remember back 30-40 years, and never could put the age of the house with the type of brick on it. So, looking at the older image, it appears that the outside was simple horizontal wood siding. Makes more sense. Is this correct, or is there another idea?
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